- 12/04/27: Invited talk at the opening of the FZI House of Living Labs:
“Innovative Servicekonzepte dank intelligenter Überwachung,
Vorhersage und Diagnose von Maschinen und Anlagen”. - 12/11/10: Exhibition at the KVD Service World.
More impressions from the KVD Service World can be seen in this trailer here (find us at minute 2:16). - 11/12/07: Invited lesson: “Praxisvortrag:
Industrieller Einsatz von Wissensmanagementlösungen”,
at the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen.
Invited by Professor Dr. Michael Guckert. - 11/09/13: Invited talk: “Wissensmanagement im Kundenservice bei
GE Jenbacher Gas Engines” at Anwenderforum Teleservice
“Lösungen rund um den Teleservice”. Invited by Thomas Riegler
Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V. (VDMA) - 11/07/07: Invited moderation: “RemoteServiceForum”
at the RemoteServiceForum. Invited by Karl-Heinz Sauter. - 11/01/19: Invited lesson: “Produktivitätssteigerung durch Wissenslösungen”
at the Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaften,
Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften Würzburg-Schweinfurt.
Invited by Prof. Dr. W. Angelika Kreitel. - 10/12/01: Invited lesson: “Praxisvortrag:
Wissensmanagement und wissensbasierte Methoden”,
at the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen.
Invited by Professor Dr. Michael Guckert. - 10/04/30: Invited talk: “Wissensmanagement in der Praxis”
at The Association of German Engineers, VDI-GPP Fachausschusses 101.
Invited by Gregor Gonsior, Senior Manager Organisation Development,
Uhde GmbH (ThyssenKrupp). - 10/04/21: Invited lesson: “Semantic Web Technologies II”
at the Institute AIFB, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
Invited by Dr. Sudhir Agarwal. - 09/11/25: Invited lesson: “Industrial Apps with Semantic Web Technology”
at the at the University of Applied Sciences Giessen Friedberg.
Invited by Professor Dr. Michael Guckert. - 09/11/16: Invited talk on Rule based development (in German):
“Modellbasierte Applikationsentwicklung mit semantischen Technologien –
vom Programmieren zum Modellieren”.
at the ObjektForum (marketplace for IT innovations) in Stuttgart.
In conjunction with the Java User Group Stuttgart. Invited by Matthias Grund,
member of the executive board of andrena objects ag. - 09/10/01: Presentation at the RemoteServiceForum about
“Wissensbasierte Überwachung, Vorhersage und Diagnose im Service”
at the ISS International Business School of Service Management in Hamburg. - 09/06/23: Invited talk (in German):
“Semantische Modelle für flexible und komplexe Anwendungen”
at the Karlsruher Entwicklertag — Software Made in Germany –
Strategien für den Entwicklungsstandort Deutschland —
Agilität, Innovation, Qualität in Karlsruhe.
Invited by Matthias Grund, member of the executive board of
andrena objects ag. - 09/04/24: Participation at the Microsoft Software Strategy Summit
with a keynote of Steve Ballmer, CEO at Microsoft Corporation,
held at the Gürzenich in Cologne. - 09/03/26: Presentation of accepted long paper
“Semantic Business Analytics in Industrial Facilities – a Case Study”
at the 5th Conference on Professional Knowledge Management. - 09/03/19: Invited presentation at KOZO KEIKAKU ENGINEERING Inc.,
Tokyo, Japan about Semantic Technologies together with Jürgen Angele. - 09/03/14: Invited talk on Semantic Business Analytics & Sematic Technologies
at International Federation of Classification Societies 2009 Conference
(ifcs2009). Invited by Prof. Dr. Susanne Strahringer,
Technische Universität Dresden, Faculty of Business and Economics. - 08/10/26: ISWC 2008 in Karlsruhe: ISWC is a major international forum where
visionary and state-of-the-art research of all aspects of the
Semantic Web are presented. - 08/09/24: The 2nd European Semantic Technology Conference was held from
24th to 26th of September 2008 in Vienna, Austria. - 08/10/16: Invited talk: Intranet-Brunch “Über das Managen von Informationen
und Wissen”.